Friendly and
innovative editing of all Program, Combi, Patterns, Drum Kits parameters.
Interactive real time editing. The editor gets
automatically updated when you change parameter values physically on Karma.
While you turn value wheel on your keyboard - Karma-EditPro's sliders and other
controls are also moving along.
On-Fly Librarians for Programs, Combis, MFX,
Drum Sounds, Patterns . Just click your mouse and you can audit and edit
anything form librarians without writing it to Karma.
Full PCG implementation - manage you PCG banks.
Safely load and convert any Karma PCG .
Program Genetics - random and intelligent patch
generation: Mix, Morph and Mutate!
Extensive Copy, Paste and Compare functions for
various groups or parameters.
Apply ROM, RAM and EXB-PCM multisamples
to Programs and Drum Kits.
Drag Envelopes, drag and drop files,
programs and combinations.
Added Cubase
Drum Map Editor
Extensive Copy and Paste of various
groups or parameters.
Combination 8 channel mixer.
Combination Signal Routing-Flow.
Sequencer/Multi 16 channel mixer.
Pattern editing with many automations;
Use drum kit sample names to assign notes in Arpeggios.
Combi/Program banks printing and etc.
Create Patch
Script generation for Cubase 5.x and SX - All Combination/Program
banks organized by banks OR categories.
Added Cubase
Drum Map Editor that creates map for Karma Drum Kits.
Create Cakewalk/Sonar
Instrument Definition Files for all Combination/ Program banks and
your Karma Drum Kit drum maps.
Auditioning Tools:
Controllers Tools
PC Flight Joystick and Mouse-Joystick -
very cool!!!
Virtual Piano with quick channel
selection - play keys or chords.
Play notes by computer keyboard keys
Of course, there are many other features in Karma-EditPro that will enhance your sound creativity and may give you musical inspiration. In contrast to many other software makers, your suggestion for any improvements will be taken seriously. With your help I hope to develop the best tools for the best synth! Your suggestions could be quickly implemented as it could be seen in Karma-EditPro Version History where most of additions were our Karma-EditPro registered users ideas.
Many more will be still added in future updates and
your suggestions are truly welcomed. I hope you will enjoy Karma-EditPro
sound editor!
*) Sequencer mode is not fully supported because of lack of midi sysex commands to control Sequencer settings like Arpeggio, MFX and Filters. Still, Karma-EditPro offers quick way of setting up programs, Level, Pan and Dynamic Modulation for 16 track/channels for "SEQUENCER/MULTI mode.
For additional information and tutorials visit where
you will find information on Karma and other KORG products.