MFX and Insert FX
After right clicking on one of the MFX panel, when in Sequencer, Program Play Edit or Combi Play Edit Modes the full Effect panel is displayed with full effect settings (image below).
After selecting effect from scroll box
the name should appear in name bar.
Parameters of the effect
will be displayed with values associated with them to the right.
All can be adjusted with the corresponding sliders by mouse or left clicking and then using mouse wheel.
MFX Chain signal direction can be changed by
right clicking on MFX Chain control
and selecting direction by mousing over and left clicking . Corresponding MFX
Chain Signal Level
and Output
changed using the associated sliders. The level of effect is controlled by Level
varying the ratio of effect from Dry (0:100 ratio => first effect to second)
to Wet (100:0 ratio.) The Control Source is selected when name bar
is left clicked and Source moused over. Level is determined with corresponding
slider. Note that the channel can be changed by mousing over
clicking and then select channel number.
To Load and Save MFX files simply use File in
menu and select "Load MFX" or "Save Current MFX As" .
MFX files are saved as with .mfx extensions.
To access MFX Effect System Library click on
button to open Library control panel. See Tutorial on MFX Effects System Library
for full description.